The paper focuses on the concept of cognitive-perceptual and behavioral model of communication. For semantic analysis, the news feeds of the online communication platform Reddit regarding the outcome of the pandemic – vaccination of the population – have been singled out as a linguistic material. Each post of news items has been previously thoroughly interpreted and analyzed. Such singling out of language material has been carried out with the help of linguistically obvious (explicit) and hidden (implicit) linguistic markers to denote certain semantic groups based on linguistic-semantic interpretation and analysis of the Reddit vaccination posts. As a result of the analysis, two communicative cognitive-perceptual and behavioral models of online communication within Reddit during the period of vaccination of the population have been studied. The first cognitive-perceptual and behavioral model – the general attitude towards vaccination, as well as the second one – the impact of vaccination on the population – have been considered. These models will further serve as a research basis of the pattern for social communicative approach concerning online Reddit discussions as both of them are based on the cognitive conceptualization notion referring to communication perception and behavior in certain communicative situations. To confirm the results of linguistic-semantic analysis, automatic software for counting words and providing concise linguistic information has been applied.