The processing of student academic grades at UPT SMP Negeri 1 Binamu is still done conventionally with manual documentation, so that the grade processing process becomes less effective, less efficient and access to values in the previous semester is difficult, large document storage space is needed and the risk of losing documents. Therefore, a system is needed that can facilitate the processing of student grades and access to student grade archives then the system is tested to determine its feasibility. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D) with the Waterfall development model. The data collection techniques used are interviews, and questionnaires. The system implementation uses MySQL, Express, React, and Node.js technology stacks using the JavaScript programming language that implements the REST API architecture. System testing uses the ISO/IEC 25010 standard, namely functional suitability, obtaining a value of 1; performance efficiency, loading pages in less than 10 seconds; usability, obtaining very good results; compatibility, operating well; reliability, obtaining a value of 100%; maintainability, meeting standards; security, obtaining a level 1 (low) vulnerability level; and portability, operating well, so that the overall test shows decent system testing results.