“…Analysis of the research of Russian and foreign scientists on the problems of region innovative development (RID) made it possible to draw a conclusion about the established approaches to the management of RID, as well as conclusions about the institutional component for the formation of an appropriate innovation policy, support (including state), regulation of innovative processes (Alekseev, 2009;Bakhtizin and Akinfeeva, 2010;Doloreux and Parto, 2005;Kitsios and Kamariotou, 2018;Krugman, 1994;Kuznetsov, 2008;Lau and Lo, 2015;McGregor and Pouw, 2017;Medvedev, 2016;Mensch, 2006;Minaev et al, 2008;Polukeeva, 2014;Wahyudin and Hasibuan, 2015;Webster, 2002;Verganti, 2008;Polenske, 2007;Shash, 2014).…”