Data is the basis of research. On the other side, the world has a problem of replication. The first problem is we don't really know how to manage our own data to able to reanalyze it at some point after the research has been finished. The lifetime of data is very short, in only one or two fiscal years. In this article we will describe on how to write a research data management in order to extend the lifetime of data. There are seven basic components to remember before writing a proper research data management: (1) Data storage and software, (2) Metadata, (3) Structure, (4) Persistent link, (5) Licensing, (6) Data maintainer, (7) Indexing. In several fields, including medicine, an anomyzation strategy will be needed. We also need to put into account the Intellectual Property Rights and data ownership in to the equation, as Indonesian scientists are not properly exposed to those subjects.