For decades the researchers were trying to provide computing as a utility, where the consumer will enjoy the on demand applications and resources from a collection of shared computing resources. This dream comes true in the shape of cloud computing, and the owners of the data now outsource their data to cloud data center. It not only relieves the owner from the extra pain of local storage and maintenance but it allows accessing the data anywhere, anytime on demand. Outsourcing data eliminates the control on the physical computing resources for the owner, and it also creates a chaos among the customer regarding the confidentiality and integrity of their data. The security issues can be handled in numerous ways, i.e efficient access control and authorization mechanism etc. The reliability or accuracy of data is a problem, where the unauthorized changes made to the data without the permission and knowledge of the owner of the data and it is an important component of cloud computing to provide an efficient and secure data storage. Therefore to facilitate the swift employment of data storage service and recapture safety measures for the outsourced data, we propose a set of operational algorithms to resolve the challenge of secure data storage and make the cloud storage service a reality.