The object of this study is the cross-country ability of four-wheel drive vehicles under off-road conditions.
Based on the results of analysis of known studies, it was determined that the procedures of experimental assessment of the load-bearing capacity of bearing surfaces (BS), based on the use of the cone index, are used in NATO member countries. They take into account the characteristics of the surface of the theater of operations and make it possible to determine the approximate speeds of all-wheel drive vehicles with the help of standardized computer software. In the procedures for assessing the load-bearing capacity of BSs, which use the soil deformation module E, there is no possibility for calculating the speed of the car with known axle loads. In addition, they provide for the determination of a number of parameters of the bearing surface, such as the coefficient of adhesion, the angle of internal friction in the soil, and the shear modulus during the formation of a track. This makes them much more difficult compared to the procedures used by NATO.
Therefore, the problem that is solved in this work is to improve the methodology for assessing the reference cross-country ability of four-wheel drive vehicles.
Based on the results of scientific research, motion modeling was carried out in the MATLAB Simulink environment to determine parameters of reference cross-country ability of four-wheel drive vehicles.
In order to determine the cross-country ability of samples of wheeled military vehicles (WMV) based on the indicator of the maximum pressure value (mean measure pressure – MMP), the conducted experimental studies were analyzed. They showed a difference in the speed modes of vehicles of the same gross weight but different layout schemes, within 11–12 %. Therefore, the methodology for assessing the cross-country ability based on MMP has been improved to take into account the features of the layout of WMV samples. Specifically, taking into account the different values of loads on the front axle of vehicles with hoodless and hood layouts at the same gross weight.
In general, the improved procedure makes it possible to give a quantitative assessment of the movement mobility of WMV samples with various layout schemes and an assessment of their potential cross-country ability on the basis of the proposed refinement of MMP calculation