The COVID-19 pandemic has lasted for more than 2 years. The education sector is one of the most influential fields to apply online learning policies. Indonesia has implemented online learning since the pandemic in 2020. This study aims to provide an overview of knowledge during the COVID-19 pandemic using the education for sustainable development (ESD)-oriented read, answer, discuss, explain and create (RADEC) model. This study used the descriptive method by providing an overview of the ESD-oriented RADEC learning process in the basic concepts of biology and science for prospective elementary schoolteachers. The research subjects were 33 prospective elementary schoolteacher students who contracted courses. The instruments used were observation sheets, documentation and a questionnaire. The results showed that lectures using the ESD-oriented RADEC model could be an alternative for online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the ESD-oriented RADEC model may allow universities to instil the concept of ESD related to knowledge, attitudes and values that can support sustainable development.
Keywords: RADEC, prospective teacher, ESD, COVID-19.