The article presents a new comprehensive three-level concept for evaluating design decisions for performing processing operations on incomplete logging, which is distinguished by the ability to simultaneously predict energy costs, technical and economic results, and forestry and environmental consequences for the forest environment. To implement this concept, a structure of a three-level automated system for increasing the efficiency of working with chainsaws on incomplete cutting was proposed by substantiating the optimal technology and organization of work, a set of gasoline-powered tools, a method and parameters for developing apiaries. At the first level, to substantiate the optimal set of gasoline-powered tools, a mathematical model of the process of performing butt cuts for the determination of specific energy costs is proposed. At the second level, to substantiate the optimal technology and labor organization, simulation models of the process of performing processing operations to determine the specific reduced energy costs are proposed. At the third level, in order to justify the optimal method and parameters for apiary development, a generalized criterion is used to assess the efficiency of processing operations taking into account direct production costs, forestry damage, as well as damage to the undergrowth. For each indicated level of tasks to be solved, a mathematical apparatus, information and software recommended for use at logging enterprises was developed. Currently, it has been successfully implemented in the Moscow and Tambov regions. According to the results of the implementation, there is a decrease in the performance of processing operations: specific and specific reduced energy costs (from 4 to 9%); total direct costs (from 3 to 7%); as well as forestry and environmental damage (from 5 to 11%).