“…In his view, taking conceptual meanings for granted, and avoiding normative critiques of educational purposes only contributes to sustaining "the interest of those who benefit from the status quo to keep things as they are and not open up a discussion of what education might be" (2009,37; see also Gunter 2013, 206-7). Helen Gunter (2013) as well indicates how specific conceptualizations of concepts like professionalism, "leader, leading, and leadership" (2013,(204)(205) work in the particular ideological interests of those in power, leading to a situation where even the scholarship on leadership, although it appears productive by any measure of its "range and volume of activity," has largely become "disconnected from epistemological roots and debates" (2013,205). It is important to recover the critical stance that such debates offer, according to Gunter, since "Ideas and action are linked through conceptualising what we do as intellectual work, and in Arendt's (1958) terms we need to think about what we are doing" (Gunter 2013, 209).…”