The elaboration and introduction of the new high-energetic and resource effective equipment in the activity of food industrial enterprises, including restaurant economy is an urgent scientific problem. The most important role at that is played by the unit energetic consumption of energetic processes, which decrease allows to receive an economic effect. The rise of the energetic effectiveness of technological processes of fried meat products manufacturing is possible at the expanse of combining traditional and non-traditional (physical and electrophysical) processing methods. The use of combined thermal processing methods allows to raise the effectiveness of heat conduction from heating environments to a product.
The aim of the research was the determination of the frying surfaces temperature at the bilateral heat supply for a value of the mean integral temperature pressure and frying process duration, ready product output and unit energy consumption.
The change of the initial temperature level of the frying process has an essential influence on the mean integral temperature pressure between a frying surface and product surface layer. The temperature decrease of frying surfaces from 423 К to 393 К leads to the decrease of the mean integral temperature pressure between a frying surface temperature and product surface one by 4 К by the nonlinear law, and allows to raise the coefficient of heat conduction through steam layers. It was proved, that the bilateral frying of natural products of meat at the surfaces temperature 393 К allows to decrease the process duration by 6 s, to raise the ready product output by 3,3% and to decrease the unit electric energy consumption by 0,023 kW·hour/kg comparing with the bilateral frying at the surfaces temperature 423 К.