Interest in business management thinking and innovation has continued to growduring recent decades. The Scottish Government identifies that a large proportionof new and start up businesses fail within the first 2 years. Consequently, there aremany areas for the start-up entrepreneur to get information and help, nonethelessthe trend remains. This study offers an alternative method for deciding on intrinsicsuccess factors by outlining the relationship between business start-ups, creativity,and innovation.The focus was on creativity, as an entrepreneurial characteristic, links or effects thestart-up capability of the entrepreneur. The study used a qualitative method tointerpret this complexity and this became more apparent as the study progressessince innovation and innovation which supports a business start-up assume holistic,flux-like and complex concepts. Four main themes emerged from the thematic dataanalysis; Leadership; Ability to Change; Creativeness and Collaboration. Findingsfrom the study indicate that business management thinking and innovationunderpinned by perspective themes, help the entrepreneur see and appreciate thecomplex multi-faceted interactions of innovation, perhaps better than an averageperson. However, actual definition of the precise mechanisms needed to supportbusiness start-ups drawn from creativity were difficult to establish.In conclusion, the study has to say that while elements of creativity were presentwith each of the entrepreneur and were clearly significant to the success of the startup, it would seem very difficult to actually identify if there is such a thing as aguaranteed creativity template for success.