We present a catalog of 792 DR5 SDSS quasars with optical spectra that have been observed serendipitously in the X-rays with the XMM-Newton. These quasars cover a redshift range of z = 0.11 -5.41 and a magnitude range of i = 15.3-20.7. Substantial numbers of radio-loud (70) and broad absorption line (51) quasars exist within this sample. Significant X-ray detections at ≥ 2σ account for 87% of the sample (685 quasars), and 473 quasars are detected at ≥ 6σ, sufficient to allow X-ray spectral fits. For detected sources, ∼ 60% have X-ray fluxes between F 2−10keV = 1 -10 x 10 −14 ergs cm −2 s −1 . We fit a single power-law, a fixed power-law with intrinsic absorption left free to vary, and an absorbed power-law model to all quasars with X-ray S/N ≥ 6, resulting in a weighted mean photon index Γ = 1.91±0.08, with an intrinsic dispersion σ Γ = 0.38. For the 55 sources (11.6%) that prefer intrinsic absorption, we find a weighted mean N H = 1.5±0.3 x 10 21 cm −2 . We find that Γ correlates significantly with optical color, ∆(g − i), the optical-to-X-ray spectral index (α ox ) and the Xray luminosity. While the first two correlations can be explained as artefacts of undetected intrinsic absorption, the correlation between Γ and X-ray luminosity appears to be a real physical correlation, indicating a pivot in the X-ray slope.