The diurnal time course of urinary flow rate (UV), urinary sodium (UNaV), and potassium (UKV) excretion, and of hormones such as atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and aldosterone, was investigated during 5 days of continuous captopril infusion (15 µg · kg body weigth-1 · min-1) in 4 conscious dogs on a high sodium diet (14.5 mmol Na·kg body weigth-1 24 h-1). All food and water was given once daily at 8.30 a.m. On the control day and on days 1, 3, and 5 of·captopril infusion, urine was collected by an automated system at 20-min intervals over 24 h, blood was taken every 4 h. Mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) and heart rate were evaluated as 5-min averages. Time courses of UNaV, UV, and UKV were compared with the individual control day without captopril. With captopril, 24-hour balances for Na and H20 were slightly negative, while the K balance was slightly positive for 2-3 days. Thereafter, all 24-hour balances were restored. MABP continued to decrease even after Na and water intake and output had come into balance again. Captopril treatment changed the diurnal excretion pattern for UNaV and UV characteristically. In the postprandial period until 5 p.m., less Na and urine were excreted than on the control day, whereas during the evening and night more Na and urine were excreted. The changes in the excretion pattern persisted for the entire observation period. The results indicate that disturbances in the regulating systems, induced by converting-enzyme blockade, bring about complex reactions of, e.g., MABP ANP and aldosterone that finally restore Na and water 24-hour input/output balances.