A B S T R A C T Micropuncture studies have shown that glomerular filtration rate (GFR) falls in response to a rise in Na' or Cl-concentrations in the loop of Henle, whereas studies in isolated kidneys have shown that GFR falls in response to osmotic diuresis. To define the separate effects of an acute increase in plasma sodium (PNa), chloride (Pci) or osmolality (Posmoi), changes in renal blood flow (RBF) and GFR were measured during intrarenal infusions of hypertonic NaCl, NaHCO3, Na acetate, dextrose, NH4Cl or NH4acetate to denervated kidneys. The infusions raised Posmol at the experimental kidney by [30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45] mosmol. RBF increased abruptly by 10-30% with all hypertonic infusions indicating that an acute increase in plasma tonicity causes renal vasodilatation. Renal vasodilatation persisted or increased further during infusion of dextrose, NaHCO3 and Na acetate, but GFR was unchanged. In contrast, during infusion of the two Clcontaining solutions, vasodilatation was reversed after 1-5 min and RBF and GFR decreased (P < 0.01) below preinfusion levels. Prior salt depletion doubled the vasoconstriction seen with hypertonic NaCl infusions. Overall, changes in RBF were unrelated to changes in PNa or fractional Na or fluid reabsorption but correlated with changes in P(:I (r = -0.91) and fractional Cl-reabsorption (r = 0.94). The intrafemoral arterial infusion of the two Cl-containing solutions did not increase femoral vascular resistance. In conclusion, hyperchloremia produces a progressive renal vasoconstriction and fall in GFR that is independent of the renal nerves, is potentiated by prior salt depletion and is related to tubular Cl-reabsorption. Chloride-induced vasoconstriction appears specific for the renal the adequacy of the extracellular volume (ECV)' is threatened by salt depletion, impaired proximal tubule reabsorption or a high perfusion pressure, renal vasoconstriction restricts the volume of filtrate delivered to the tubules (1-5). A mechanism that can relate glomerular filtration to distal fluid delivery has been identified in micropuncture experiments in which single nephron glomerular filtration rate (SNGFR) has been found to fall during a selective increase in the Na+ or Cl-concentrations or osmolality of early distal tubule fluid (6-8).In previous experiments, we (9) and others (10, 11) showed that intrarenal infusion of hypertonic NaCI solution causes transient vasodilatation followed by sustained vasoconstriction. Schnermann et al. (8) demonstrated that retrograde injection of Cl-containing solutions into the distal tubule regularly elicited a decrease in SNGFR, whereas similar injections of Nacontaining solutions did not. In contrast, in experiments on the isolated kidney, Nizet (12-14) concluded that there was no specific effect of increased Na+ or Cl-concentration on renal vascular resistance but that the GFR varied in direct proportion to tubular fluid reabsorption. To settle these differences between the responses of the isolated kidney...