A continuous fluidized bed provides an intimate and large area of contact between gas and solid particles, which results in good heat and mass transfer rates between the phases. A fluidized bed is also characterized by uniform temperature throughout as compared to a fixed bed. But the fluidized bed is limited in its operation between minimum fluidization velocity and terminal velocity of solids. In addition, solid particles are subjected to attrition.With an increase in gas rate above minimum fluidization, backmixing of solids increases. Beran and Lutcha (1975) reported that the advantages found for plug flow reactors with fluids are true for the plug flow of solids in a continuous fluidized bed. Hence, the authors (1975) suggested that by using baffles inside the bed, plug flow could be approached.Several investigations were carried out by earlier workers using different types of baffles inside the bed to reduce gross irregularities and instability of the bed caused by the excess gas. But these modifications increase the complexity of the bed, rendering operation and control more difficult. The aim of the present work is to carry out experimental work on residence time distribution of solids in a single-stage fluidized bed and suggest an alternative method to reduce the non-idealities inside the bed to approach plug flow conditions which improves quality of the product. This can be achieved by using a binary solid mixture in place of uniformly sized solids, as observed in the present work. In other words, using a binary solid mixture gives more and more plug flow tendency to the particles.The earlier work on RTD (residence time distribution) of solids in a continuous fluidized bed may be classified on the basis of single-parameter and multi-parameter models. Beran and Lutcha (1975) and Reay (1978) used a dispersion model to describe the RTD of solids in a rectangular fluidized bed dryer provided with vertical baffles. Beran and Lutcha (1975) reported increased dispersion coefficient with an increase in gas flow rate, while Reay (1978) reported an increase in particle diffusivity with an increase in gas rate, and a decrease in particle size and density. Burovoi and Svetozarova (1965) reported a decrease in dispersion coefficient with an increase in the particle size. Pydi Setty (1983) used an axial dispersion model to describe the RTD of solids in a single-stage spiral fluidized bed. Morris et al. (1964) reported poor agreement between the experimental data in a single-stage fluidized bed and the axial dispersion model. They observed that solids mixing by bulk movement of solids did not occur when the bed is operated near minimum fluidization velocity. Above 1.5 U mf , they noticed that the movement of solids occurred by gross solids movement but not by diffusion. Hence, the authors concluded that representation of solids mixing by a simple axial dispersion model is inadequate. The assumption of ideal mixing was made by Krishnaiah et al. (1982) and Toei and Akao (1968) while studying RTD of solids in a multistage...