Rassier DE, Pavlov I. Force produced by isolated sarcomeres and half-sarcomeres after an imposed stretch. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 302: C240 -C248, 2012. First published October 12, 2011 doi:10.1152/ajpcell.00208.2011.-When a stretch is imposed to activated muscles, there is a residual force enhancement that persists after the stretch; the force is higher than that produced during an isometric contraction in the corresponding length. The mechanisms behind the force enhancement remain elusive, and there is disagreement if it represents a sarcomeric property, or if it is associated with length nonuniformities among sarcomeres and half-sarcomeres. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of stretch on single sarcomeres and myofibrils with predetermined numbers of sarcomeres (n ϭ 2, 3. . . , 8) isolated from the rabbit psoas muscle. Sarcomeres were attached between two precalibrated microneedles for force measurements, and images of the preparations were projected onto a linear photodiode array for measurements of half-sarcomere length (SL). Fully activated sarcomeres were subjected to a stretch (5-10% of initial SL, at a speed of 0.3 m·s Ϫ1 ·SL Ϫ1 ) after which they were maintained isometric for at least 5 s before deactivation. Single sarcomeres showed two patterns: 31 sarcomeres showed a small level of force enhancement after stretch (10.46 Ϯ 0.78%), and 28 sarcomeres did not show force enhancement (Ϫ0.54 Ϯ 0.17%). In these preparations, there was not a strong correlation between the force enhancement and half-sarcomere length nonuniformities. When three or more sarcomeres arranged in series were stretched, force enhancement was always observed, and it increased linearly with the degree of half-sarcomere length nonuniformities. The results show that the residual force enhancement has two mechanisms: 1) stretch-induced changes in sarcomeric structure(s); we suggest that titin is responsible for this component, and 2) stretch-induced nonuniformities of halfsarcomere lengths, which significantly increases the level of force enhancement. myofibrils; myosin; titin; cross-bridges THE NOTION OF SARCOMERE LENGTH (SL) nonuniformity has played a significant role in the study of muscle contraction. It has been directly associated with several experimental observations, including the force "creep" observed at long muscle lengths (11,16), the relation between force and filament overlap (11,17,19), the kinetics of force development and relaxation (9, 43), and the effects of muscle stretch in force production (7,8,13,18,36,37). The latest is particularly important: when a stretch is applied to skeletal muscles during activation, force increases significantly while the energy consumption decreases (1, 30). The force remains elevated after the stretch to reach a steady-state level that is higher than that produced during isometric contractions at corresponding lengths (8,24,38). The mechanisms responsible for this "residual force enhancement" remain elusive and there is substantial disagreement in the literature...