R6siim£: ZusammenfassungAnnual applications of the herbicides atrazine, simazine, linuron and diuron at 4 5 kg/ha were made to the same plots for 9 consecutive years from 1963 to 1971 in a peach {Prunus persica (L.) Batsch.) orchard located on sandy loam soil near Harrow, Ontario. Soil samples from these plots were collected in late October for the last 3 years (1969)(1970)(1971) and trees were cut down in December, 1969. Herbicide residues were determined by bioassays based on the fresh and dry weight of oats {Avena sativa L.) and in one year results were confirmed by chemical analysis. Significant accumulation of herbicides was not observed. The maximum residue levels measured in October over the 3 years of sampling were 7'3 kg/ha for diuron, 3-8 kg/ha for linuron, 1 -6 kg/ha for simazine and 0 4 kg/ha for atrazine in the top 15 cm ofthe soil profile. Simazine and atrazine showed a rapid decrease in amount after treatment but diuron and linuron were degraded more slowly. Measurable residues of all herbicides were confined to the upper 15 cm of the soil profile and the majority of herbicide remained in the 0-5-cm soil layer. Oats were planted in the orchard plots from 1972 to 1974 to follow the disappearance ofthe herbicides. All herbicides caused highly significant yield decreases in 1972, atrazine causing the least (38%) and diuron the greatest (86%) reductions. Diuron reduced the yield of oats in 1973 and caused a highly significant decrease in the weight of young oat plants in 1974.
Rhidus d'atrazine, de simazine, de linuron et de diuron apris des applications annuelles ripetees dans un verger de pechers.Des applications annuelles avec les herbicides suivants: atrazine (2-chloro-4-6thyIamino-6-isopropylamino-l,3,5-triazine), simazine (2-chloro-4,6-bis6 thylamino-1,3,5-triazine), linuron (Ar'-(3,4-dichloroph6nyl)-Af-m6thoxy 7V-m6thylur6e) et diuron (Af'-3,4-dichloroph^nyl)-A'Af-dim^thyIur6e) i 4,5 kg/ha, ont tit faites sur les memes parcelles pendant neuf annees cons6cutives, de 1963 a 1971, dans un verger de pechers {Prunus persica (L.) Batsch.), implant6 dans un sol de • Present address: Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Kl A 0C6.