G␥ subunits are known to bind to and activate Gprotein-activated inwardly rectifying K ؉ channels (GIRK) by regulating their open probability and bursting behavior. Studying G-protein regulation of either native GIRK (I KACh ) channels in feline atrial myocytes or heterologously expressed GIRK1/4 channels in Chinese hamster ovary cells and HEK 293 cells uncovered a novel G␥ subunit mediated regulation of the inwardly rectifying properties of these channels. I KACh activated by submaximal concentrations of acetylcholine exhibited a ϳ2.5-fold stronger inward rectification than I KACh activated by saturating concentrations of acetylcholine. Similarly, the inward rectification of currents through GIRK1/4 channels expressed in HEK cells was substantially weakened upon maximal stimulation with co-expressed G␥ subunits. Analysis of the outward current block underlying inward rectification demonstrated that the fraction of instantaneously blocked channels was reduced when G␥ was over-expressed. The G␥ induced weakening of inward rectification was associated with reduced potencies for Ba 2؉ and Cs ؉ to block channels from the extracellular side. Based on these results we propose that saturation of the channel with G␥ leads to a conformational change within the pore of the channel that reduced the potency of extracellular cations to block the pore and increased the fraction of channels inert to a pore block in outward direction.G-protein-activated inwardly rectifying K ϩ channels (GIRKs) 1 are expressed in many areas of the brain and in supraventricular myocytes of the heart (1, 2). Activation of G-protein-coupled receptors that couple to G i -proteins such as the M 2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (M 2 -mAChRs) lead to a dissociation of heterotrimeric G-proteins into activated ␣ subunits and ␥ dimers. G␥ subunits are known to bind to GIRK channels and increase the open probability of these channels (3, 4). Cardiac I KACh channels are formed by heteromultimers of GIRK1 and GIRK4 subunits (4). The binding site of G␥ subunits to GIRK channels was mapped primarily to the C terminus of GIRK1 and GIRK4 (4 -8). Cross-linking studies have demonstrated that the heterotetrameric channel can bind up to 4 G␥ subunits (9). However, despite much experimental effort the mechanism by which G␥ activates these channels is not well understood.GIRK channels belong to the family of strong inwardly rectifying K ϩ channels, which are characterized by their strong inwardly rectifying current-voltage relationships. The inward rectification has been linked to the presence of intracellular Mg 2ϩ and polyamines (10 -12). These positively charged cytoplasmic ions are thought to block outward K ϩ currents by blocking the pore of channels from the inside (10 -13); however, for a related inwardly rectifying channel Kir2.1 this hypothesis has recently been questioned (14). Inward rectification of K ϩ channels is not only voltage-dependent but also dependent on the extracellular K ϩ concentration (11). The inward rectification of these K ...