“…A: Secondary structure model of E. coli RNase P RNA (M1 RNA) according to Brown (1996)+ Specific Pb 2ϩ -induced cleavage sites are indicated by arrows and roman numerals, whereas Mg 2ϩ -induced cleavage sites are shown by numerals in italics+ Shaded nucleotides represent residues that base pair with the 39-terminal RCCA-motif of a precursor (Kirsebom & Svärd, 1994)+ B: Schematic illustration of the 31-mer RNA carrying the P15-loop of M1 RNA+ Arrows indicate Mg 2ϩ -and Pb 2ϩ -induced cleavage, with dashed arrows for unique Pb 2ϩ -induced cleavage sites in the tertaloop+ A line dividing the molecule into two halves indicates the site where the two RNA fragments were ligated to generate "semispecifically" substituted molecules containing modifications in either of the halves (see Materials and Methods)+ Grey box indicates cleavage of RNA-DNA hybrid by RNase H+ Substitutions at positions 8, 9, and 25 were made as indicated (U8, A9, and G25 correspond to U257, A258, and G293, respectively, in full-size M1 RNA)+ Shaded nucleotides depict residues in intact M1 RNA involved in base pairing with the substrate+ served 39 of G25 and U26 are in agreement with binding of metal ion(s) in this region as predicted by NMR studies (Glemarec et al+, 1996)+ In the presence of higher concentrations of Pb 2ϩ , additional cleavage sites in the tetraloop were observed (e+g+, see Fig+ 2A, lane 3)+ The absence of Mg 2ϩ -induced cleavage at these sites does not exclude the possibility of a Mg 2ϩ ion(s) being present in the vicinity of this region+ In fact, the NMR data suggest a Mg 2ϩ binding site in the vicinity of G18 (Glemarec et al+, 1996), but this (or these) Mg 2ϩ does not promote cleavage+ In any case, this metal ion binding site is not relevant for the function of M1 RNA, because the tetraloop is not present in M1 RNA at this position+ In conclusion, this short RNA molecule represents an autonomous divalent metal ion binding domain of M1 RNA+ This finding suggests that the P15-loop within the 31-mer forms a structure that is comparable to that of the equivalent loop in full-length M1 RNA+ The P15-loop within the 31-mer RNA is a model molecule for the corresponding region in M1 RNA Substitutions of a guanosine to adenosine and cytosine at position 293 in M1 RNA reduced Pb 2ϩ -induced cleavage at site V, whereas cleavage at site III was not affected (Kufel & Kirsebom, 1996; see Fig+ 1; and data not shown)+ If the structure of the P15-loop in the 31-mer RNA is the same as in the full-length M1 RNA, it is expected that substitutions of G25 (corresponding to position 293 in M1 RNA, see Fig+ 1B) would affect divalent metal ion cleavage 39 of this position+ As shown in Figure 2B, cleavage with Mg 2ϩ at this site (V) was clearly decreased when the mutated derivatives of the 31-mer RNA were used, whereas cleavage at site III was not altered+ Identical results were also observed in the case of cleavage with Pb 2ϩ (data not shown)+ Similar analogy between the 31-mer RNA and M1 RNA 6) and of various derivatives mutated at position 25 (A25, lanes 2 and 7; U25, lanes 3 and 8; C25, lanes 4 and 9) or at positions 8 and 9 (G8G9, lanes 5 and 10)+ MgCl 2 was added to a final concentration of 10 mM as indicated+ C: Magnesium(II)-induced cleavage of wild-type (wt) 31-mer RNA (lanes 2 and 5) and its derivatives substituted with deoxyU in the lower (dUl; lanes 3 and 6) and upper (dUt; lanes 1 and 4) half of the molecule+ MgCl 2 was added to a final concentration of 10 mM as indicated+ was observed in the case of changes in the upper part of the P15-loop+ The main Mg 2ϩ -induced cleav...…”