In this study, a comprehensive laboratory testing program was designed to study the resilience characteristics of unbound granular materials (aggregate base coarse) using the repeated load triaxial test (RLTT). During the experimental program, the resilient modulus of unbound granular material was examined using different moisture content levels, material gradation using Fuller’s equation, and stress levels. The results show that the moisture content, material gradation, and stress level have a major influence on the resilient modulus of unbound granular materials. Furthermore, a linear model has been developed between moisture content and the resilient modulus. The model significantly predicts the change in resilient modulus by changing moisture content. The study also aimed to improve the modified Uzan model by adding the effect of moisture content. An improved modified Uzan stress moisture model has been developed, which shows a strong relationship between the resilient modulus, stress, and moisture content. This study can be used as a benchmark for validating other numerical data.