Post-exercise hypotension (PEH), the reduction of blood pressure (BP) after a single bout of exercise, is of great clinical relevance. As the magnitude of this phenomenon seems to be dependent on pre-exercise BP values and chronic exercise training in hypertensive individuals leads to BP reduction; PEH could be attenuated in this context. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate whether PEH remains constant after resistance exercise training. Fifteen hypertensive individuals (46±8 years; 88±16 kg; 30±6% body fat; 150± 13/93±5 mm Hg systolic/diastolic BP, SBP/DBP) were withdrawn from medication and performed 12 weeks of moderate-intensity resistance training. Parameters of cardiovascular function were evaluated before and after the training period. Before the training program, hypertensive volunteers showed significant PEH. After an acute moderate-intensity resistance exercise session with three sets of 12 repetitions (60% of one repetition maximum) and a total of seven exercises, BP was reduced post-exercise (45-60 min) by an average of aproximately À22 mm Hg for SBP, À8 mm Hg for DBP and À13 mm Hg for mean arterial pressure (Po0.05). However, this acute hypotensive effect did not occur after the 12 weeks of training (P40.05). In conclusion, our data demonstrate that PEH, following an acute exercise session, can indeed be attenuated after 12 weeks of training in hypertensive stage 1 patients not using antihypertensive medication.