We use a driven Monte Carlo dynamics in the phase representation to determine the linear resistivity and current-voltage scaling of a two-dimensional Josephson-junction array at an irrational flux quantum per plaquette. The results are consistent with a phase-coherence transition scenario where the critical temperature vanishes. The linear resistivity is nonzero at any finite temperatures but nonlinear behavior sets in at a temperature-dependent crossover current determined by the thermal critical exponent. From a dynamic scaling analysis we determine this critical exponent and the thermally activated behavior of the linear resistivity. The results are in agreement with earlier calculations using the resistively shunted-junction model for the dynamics of the array. The linear resistivity behavior is consistent with some experimental results on arrays of superconducting grains but not on wire networks, which we argue have been obtained in a current regime above the crossover current.PACS numbers: 74.81. Fa, 74.25.Qt, 75.10.Nr Most theoretical investigations of the vortex-glass phase in superconductors have considered model systems where there is a combined effect of quenched disorder and frustration 1 . However, in artificial Josephson-junction arrays, frustration without disorder can in principle be introduced by applying an external magnetic field on a perfect periodic array of weakly coupled superconducting grains 2,3,4 and similarly on superconducting wire networks 5,6 . The frustration parameter f , the number of flux quantum per plaquette, is given by f = φ/φ o , the ratio of the magnetic flux through a plaquette φ to the superconducting flux quantum φ o = hc/2e. It can be tuned by varying the strength of the external field. Frustration effects can be viewed as resulting from a competition between the underlying periodic pinning potential of the array and the natural periodicity of the vortex lattice 7 . At a rational value of f , the ground state is a commensurate pinned vortex lattice leading to discrete symmetries in addition to the continuous U (1) symmetry of the superconducting order parameter. The resistive transition is only reasonably well understood for simple rational values of f .At irrational values of f , the resistive behavior is much less understood since the vortex lattice is now incommensurate with the periodic array. In early Monte Carlo (MC) simulations 8 the ground state was found to consist of a disordered vortex pattern lacking long range order which could be regarded as a some sort of vortexglass state without quenched disorder. Glassy-like behavior was indeed observed in these simulations suggesting a possible superconducting (vortex-glass) transition at finite temperatures. However, some arguments also suggested that the critical temperature should vanish 7,9 . Simulations of the current-voltage scaling using the resistively shunted-junction model for the dynamics of the array found that the behavior was consistent with an equilibrium resistive transition where the critical temp...