Abstract. A version of the integral equation method is developed, which applies to scattering from a surface of a substance with a large dielectric constant e. An "impedance" boundary condition for the tangential components of electric and magnetic fields on the scattering surface is used, and the integral equation for the tangential components of the total magnetic field on a surface is formulated. This equation is applied to the problem of electromagnetic scattering from a slightly rough surface. It is demonstrated that the commonly used perfect conductor approximation (PCA) (e = •) can adequately describe scattering in the case of extremely large e only. The greatest sensitivity in scattering occurs when the incident and/or scattered waves are vertically polarized. For such cases the PCA does not work until e > 10 4. In the particular case of scattering from the ocean (ll 65), the PCA fails to provide an adequate description of the phenomena for either horizontally or vertically polarized waves, for practically all incidence and scattering angles.
IntroductionDuring the last three decades, significant effort has been made and progress achieved in the theory of electromagnetic scattering from the ocean, using the integral equation The second reason, which applies to vertically polarized waves only, is of a physical nature. As one can observe from Fresnel's formulae (see also our equation (21)), the perfect conductor approximation fails drastically in properly describing even the reflection phenomenon from a plane boundary for neargrazing incidence angles 0in , when cos 0in --< Iwl-1/2, This deficiency is apparent in scattering as well. When combined with the numerical reason described above, a perfect conductor approximation actually fails not just for near-grazing angles, but over a very broad range of incidence/scattering angles except in cases of extremely large e (e > 10 4 for vertical polarization and e > 10 3 for horizontal). In the case of ocean scattering the effect of finite e is very large for all incidence/scattering angles and polarizations, being in particular most dramatic for vertically polarized waves.The theory presented in this paper extends the integral equation method to cases of finite but large dielectric constant e. The corrections to the results obtained by this method are of the order of e -1, which are really small (several percent, for seawater).The structure of this paper is as follows. Section 2 begins with a review of electromagnetic field representation in terms of electric (Je) and magnetic (Jm)