(2016) 'Sizes, colour gradients and resolved stellar mass distributions for the massive cluster galaxies in XMMUJ2235-2557 at z = 1.39.', Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society., 458 (3). pp. 3181-3209. Further information on publisher's website: Additional information:
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ABSTRACTWe analyse the sizes, colour gradients, and resolved stellar mass distributions for 36 massive and passive galaxies in the cluster XMMUJ2235-2557 at z = 1.39 using optical and nearinfrared Hubble Space Telescope imaging. We derive light-weighted Sérsic fits in five HST bands (i 775 , z 850 ,Y 105 , J 125 , H 160 ), and find that the size decreases by ∼ 20% going from i 775 to H 160 band, consistent with recent studies. We then generate spatially resolved stellar mass maps using an empirical relationship between M * /L H 160 and (z 850 − H 160 ) and use these to derive mass-weighted Sérsic fits: the mass-weighted sizes are ∼ 41% smaller than their restframe r-band counterparts compared with an average of ∼ 12% at z ∼ 0. We attribute this evolution to the evolution in the M * /L H 160 and colour gradient. Indeed, as expected, the ratio of mass-weighted to light-weighted size is correlated with the M * /L gradient, but is also mildly correlated with the mass surface density and mass-weighted size. The colour gradients (∇ z−H ) are mostly negative, with a median value of ∼ 0.45 mag dex −1 , twice the local value. The evolution is caused by an evolution in age gradients along the semi-major axis (a), with ∇ age = d log(age)/d log(a) ∼ −0.33, while the survival of weaker colour gradients in old, local galaxies implies that metallicity gradients are also required, with ∇ Z = d log(Z)/d log(a) ∼ −0.2. This is consistent with recent observational evidence for the inside-out growth of passive galaxies at high redshift, and favours a gradual mass growth mechanism, such as minor mergers.