У рамках R-матричного методу проведені розрахунки інтегральних пер ерізів (ІП) збудження низькоенергетичними електронами атомів барію з м етастабільних станів 6s5d 3 D та 6s5d 1 D. Сили зіткнень розраховані в наближенні сильного зв'язку каналів із урахуванням 38 термів. Останні включали 16 фізич них станів мішені та 22 псевдостани, нарахованих в LS-зв'язку. Отримані у наближенні R-матриці з псевдостанами перерізи проявляють яскраво вир ажену резонансну структуру. Проведено порівняння розрахованих ІП розсіяння е−Ва з наявними експериментальними даними. Отримано добре узгодження теорії з експериментом. Ключові слова: атом Ba, псевдостани, розсіяння електронів, сильний зв'язо к каналів, метод R-матриці, інтегральні перерізи розсіяння.Background: Progress in the field of physics of electron-atom collisions is depen dent on two main factors: a) the availability of new studies of individual atomic s y stems; b) the clarify, systematize and generalize of results, obtained in previou s studies. In the last two decade we, together with co-authors, investigate in detail the elastic and inelastic electron scattering on neutral atomic systems Mg, Ba, Sr, Ca, Si, F, Al, and B. The purpose of this paper is to systematize and summarize the res u lt s o f studies of Ba atom, and is to continue the investigation of t h e s cat terin g in t egral cross sections of electrons on the excited barium atom, begun in our previous work. Methods: The atomic structure for Ba, as well as the excitation cro ss s ectio ns fo r e−Ba scattering processes were obtained by the R-matrix with pseudostates method . The multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock method with orthogonal orbital sets was e mployed for an accurate representation of the targets wave functions. The clo se co upling expansions include 39 term: 16 spectroscopic states of neutral bariu m an d 22 pseudostates. The scattering calculations was then carried out in the same way as in standard R-matrix calculations. Results: The integral cross sections for the scattering of low-energy elect rons b y a barium atom in the excited states 6s5d 3 D and 6s5d 1 D are calculated. The calculations were carried out in the R-matrix approximation with pseudostates. Th e co llision strengths were calculated in the close coupling channels approximation with allowance for 38 terms. The latter include 16 physical states of the target and 22 pseudostates accumulated in the LS-coupling. The cross sections obtained in the Rmatrix approximation exhibit a pronounced resonance structure. A comparison was made of the calculated ICS scattering e-Ba with the available experimental d at a. A good agreement between the theory and experiment was obtained. Conclusions: For the e-Ba collisions were the scattering cross-sections calculat ed. All transitions from the excited 6s5d 3 D and 6s5d 1 D states of the Ba atom to the 15 lowest excited levels were considered. The energy dependences of t h e IСS o n t h e type of spectral transition in the Ba atom were discussed.