A number of dark matter candidates have been discussed that are macroscopic, of approximately nuclear density, and scatter ordinary matter essentially elastically with approximately their geometric cross-section. A wide range of mass and geometric cross-section is still unprobed for these "macros." Macros passing through rock would melt the material in cylinders surrounding their long nearly straight trajectories. Once cooled, the resolidified rock would be easily distinguishable from its surroundings. We discuss how, by visually examining ordinary slabs of rock such as are widely available commercially for kitchen countertops, one could probe an interesting segment of the open macro parameter space.There is considerable, and widely known, evidence for the existence of dark matter [1] or for the need to modify General Relativity (see [2] for a pedagogical review of modified gravity and [3] for a more recent review on the subject). Macroscopic dark matter (macros) represents a wide class of alternatives to particle dark matter -large objects, probably composites of fundamental particles, that are "dark" because their large mass implies a low number density and a small geometric cross-section per unit mass, even though the cross-section of each object is large. There remains a large range of macro mass M X and geometric cross-section σ X that is still unprobed by experiments or observations.A most intriguing possibility is that macros are made of Standard Model quarks or baryons bound by Standard Model forces. This suggestion was originally made by Witten [4], in the context of a nuclear bag model and a then-possible first-order QCD phase transition. A more realistic version was advanced by Lynn, Nelson and Tetradis [5] and Lynn again [6], who argued in the context of SU (3) chiral perturbation theory that "a bound state of baryons with a well-defined surface may conceivably form in the presence of kaon condensation." Nelson [7] studied the possible formation of such "nuggets of strange baryon matter" in an early-universe transition from a kaon-condensate phase of QCD to the ordinary phase. Others have suggested non-Standard Model versions of such nuclear objects and their formation, for example incorporating the axion [8].Such objects would presumably have densities that are comparable to nuclear density (which we take to be ρ nuclear = 3.6 × 10 14 g cm −3 ). This is much higher than ordinary "atomic density" (ρ atomic = 1 g cm −3 ), and much lower density than black holes. The unconstrained macro parameter space includes a a wide range of M X for macros of nuclear density (see [9] and [10]). For M X ≤ 55 g, careful examination of specimens of old mica for tracks made by passing dark matter [11,12] have ruled out such objects as the primary dark matter candidate (see Figure 1). For M X ≥ 10 24 g , a variety of microlensing searches have similarly constrained macros [13][14][15][16]. For M X > ∼ 10 15 g, macros incident on white dwarfs would trigger thermonuclear runaways [17], as previously shown for primordial bl...