With the rapid development and improvement of optical fibres, mobile communications, sensors and other technologies, the "Internet of Things" has been proposed. With the rapid advances in communication technologies and integrated circuits, the "Internet of Things" has also evolved rapidly over the past decade. With the advancement of IoT devices and communication network technologies, the design of IoT gateway platforms and sensor networks is becoming increasingly important. Although much research on IoT technologies in computing and communication networks exists, detailed system induction is lacking. This paper addresses the current development of sensor networks and IoT, IoT architecture, the relationship between sensor networks and IoT, and the implementation of sensor networks in IoT. In line with the IoT architecture and the role of home gateways, a market study and demand analysis of home gateways has been conducted to establish the deployment environment for home gateways and the deployment environment for sensor network nodes. In this paper, we propose the addition of a gateway data aggregation module to perform real-time data aggregation processing for sensor network data packet data processing. Aggregation processing can increase the payload in information transmission, reduce the number of times the sensor nodes send data in the home gateway, and effectively improve the network transmission efficiency and network throughput. Based on the software and hardware platforms of the built-in IoT home gateway and the software and hardware platforms of the sensor network, this paper gives a demand analysis of the home gateway sensor network access module, and proposes that the serial network is used to access the sensor network convergence node to implement the home gateway Development plan of sensor network access module. According to the needs analysis, design the flow chart of the access module and determine the communication interface between the access module and other modules, and complete the outline design of the access module. By simulating the data aggregation module of the home gateway and simulating the aggregation queue length threshold in the aggregation algorithm, the optimal aggregation queue length is obtained. The results show that the aggregation module reduces the number of calls of the home gateway data sending module by 40% and improves the home gateway network transmission efficiency.