Network routing games, and more generally congestion games play a central role in algorithmic game theory, comparable to the role of the traveling salesman problem in combinatorial optimization. It is known that the price of anarchy is independent of the network topology for non-atomic congestion games. In other words, it is independent of the structure of the strategy spaces of the players, and for a ne cost functions it equals 4/3. In this paper, we show that the dependence of the price of anarchy on the network topology is considerably more intricate for atomic congestion games. More specifically, we consider congestion games with a ne cost functions where the strategy spaces of players are symmetric and equal to the set of bases of a k-uniform matroid. In this setting, we show that the price of anarchy is strictly larger than the price of anarchy for singleton strategy spaces where the latter is 4/3. As our main result we show that the price of anarchy can be bounded from above by 28/13 ¥ 2.15. This constitutes a substantial improvement over the price of anarchy bound 5/2, which is known to be tight for arbitrary network routing games with a ne cost functions.
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IntroductionUnderstanding the impact of selfish behavior on the performance of a system is an important question in algorithmic game theory. One of the cornerstones of the substantial literature on this topic is the famous result of Roughgarden and Tardos [26]. They considered the tra c model of Wardrop [29] in a network with a ne flow-dependent congestion cost functions on the edges. Given a set of commodities, each specified by a source node, a target node, and a flow demand, a Wardrop equilibrium is a multicommodity flow with the property that every commodity uses only paths that minimize the cost. For this setting, Roughgarden and Tardos proved that the total cost of an equilibrium flow is not worse than 4/3 times that of a system optimum. This ratio was coined the price of anarchy by Koutsoupias and Papadimitriou [18] who introduced it as a measure of a system's performance degradation due to selfish behavior. A surprising consequence of the result of Roughgarden and Tardos is that the worst case price of anarchy in congested networks is attained for very simple single-commodity networks already considered a century ago by Pigou [22]. Pigou-style networks consist of only two nodes connected by two parallel links. In fact, Roughgarden [25] proved that for any set of cost functions, the price of anarchy is independent of the network topology as it is always