Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 15 (2), 569-575
IntroductionIn the last few years, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has emerged as an adjunctive tool to mammography in the assessment of various breast conditions. The high sensitivity for cancer detection allows it to be used in evaluating several aspects of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. The American Cancer Society (ACS) and the American College of Radiology (ACR) have discussed this issue and suggested several scenarios in which breast MRI can be used for both diagnostic and screening purposes (Saslow et al., 2007;Argus and Mahoney, 2010;ACR, 2013). However; controversy is still present regarding which of these indications proved to be useful.In this paper; PubMed, the US national library of medicine, was utilized to review the literature in the last twenty years. Medline was reviewed for recent clinical trials, meta-analyses and review papers which have studied this important subject. Using the obtained information, current uses of breast MRI are discussed to determine the indications which are relevant to clinical practice.Worldwide; MRI is increasingly performed in different the commonest clinical scenarios for breast MRI will be reviewed in the next section to identify indications with the potential to improve patient care making them most applicable to clinical practice.for breast cancer is ranging from 85% to 100% (Heywang-
AbstractAlthough mammography is the primary imaging modality for the breast, it has its limitations especially with dense breast parenchyma. Breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has evolved into an important adjunctive tool as it is currently the most sensitive technique for breast cancer detection. Despite this high sensitivity, overlap in the appearances of some benign and malignant breast lesions results in additional unnecessary intervention with negative results. These false positives, in addition to high cost and limited availability, necessitate establishing proper indications for breast MRI. The literature was here reviewed for recent clinical trials, meta-analyses and review papers which have studied this important subject. PubMed; the US national library of medicine, was utilized to review the literature in the last twenty years. Using the obtained information, current uses of breast MRI are discussed in this paper to determine the indications which are relevant to clinical practice.