A set of eight large (20 m 3 ) mesocosms were moored in Johnson's Dock (62Њ39.576ЈS, 60Њ22.408ЈW, Livingston Island, Antarctica) to experimentally generate a gradient of phytoplankton biomass and production in order to test the extent of coupling between bacteria (heterotrophic Bacteria and Archaea) and phytoplankton, as well as the role of bacterial losses to protist grazers. This was achieved by imposing four light levels (100%, 50%, 25%, and 10%) in the presence or absence of nutrient additions (0.1 mol NH 4 Cl, 0.1 mol F 6 Na 2 Si, and 0.01 mol KH 2 PO 4 per day per mesocosm). The experimental treatments resulted in a broad range of chlorophyll a (Chl a) (0.31-93.5 g Chl a L
Ϫ1) and average primary production rates, while bacteria responded in a much narrower range of biomass (3-447 g C L
Ϫ1) and production (0.21-15.71 g C L Ϫ1 d Ϫ1