Water shortage is one of the major constraints in vegetable production. Deficit irrigation is a sustainable technique that improves irrigation water use efficiency. Field studies were conducted during two growing seasons to evaluate the effects of deficit irrigation on plant growth, plant water status, productive response (curd yield and quality), irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE), and crop profitability of cauliflower. Nine irrigation treatments were used, applying 100%, 75% (moderate), or 50% (severe) of the irrigation water requirements (IWR) during the entire growing season (Continued Deficit Irrigation, CDI), or 75% and 50% of IWR during one of the following stages (Regulated Deficit Irrigation, RDI): Juvenility, curd induction, and curd growth. Severe deficit irrigation applied during juvenility and curd induction reduced the plant size, but it only led to a significant reduction of marketable yield (22%), and average curd size and weight if it was maintained throughout the crop cycle, supposing the highest IWUE (43.6 kg m−3). Moderate CDI or severe RDI during juvenility did not reduce significantly the curd yield compared to fully irrigated plants (4.4 kg m−2), thereby obtaining similar gross revenues (16,859 € ha−1) with important water savings (up to 24.3%), improving IWUE (up to 34.2 kg m−3).