This repor t was prepa red as an accou nt of Gove racy. comp letene ss, or usefu lness of the inform ation conta ined in thle repor t, or that the use A. Make s any warra nty or repre senta tion. expre ssed or implie d, with respe ct to the accuof any inform ation , appa ratus , meth od, or proce ss cUac losed in this repor t may not infrin ge privat ely owned rights , or B. Assu mes any liabil ities with reepe ct to the use of. or for dama ges resul ting from the use of any inform ation, appar atus, metho d, or proce og disclo sed in this report .As used in the above , "perso n actIng on behal f of the Comm ission " includ es any employe e or contr actor of the Com missi on, or empl oyee of such contr actor , to the exten t thatBuch emplo yee or contr actor of the Com missi on, or empl oyee of Buch contra ctor prepa res, disse minat es, or provid es acces / to, any Inform ation pursu ant to his empl oyme nt or conlra ct w'B -Be "-m i ' '_ 's_' "o mn' wit' 'w' ci""t or.