The lubricating oil is among the few oil products that are not fully consumed during use. Formulators of lubricants have been working on developing products with longer life. However, with increasing additives and life, there are more difficulties in the regeneration process after use. Moreover, in Brazil 64% of used lubricating oil disposal is inadequate. Biodiesel consists of an alternative to petroleum diesel because it emits less greenhouse gases in the combustion process. However, it is not an ideal fuel, because the main renewable source for biodiesel production is soy, whose cultivation requires large areas available, which often were deforested. In addition, there is no knowledge about the real effects in case of leaks biodiesel front of groundwater quality, human health and the environment. The Winogradsky column is a glass container containing samples of soil, water and nutrients from the environment, which you want to play. This study aimed to use the Winogradsky column in the analysis of biota from an aquatic ecosystem contaminated with mineral lubricating oil or biodiesel used. The methodology of the Winogradsky column to have an ecotoxicological assessment of the river Ribeirão Claro water contaminated with used lubricating oil or biodiesel. Algae were used as bioindicators of the water's quality and toxicity with the help of identification keys.