DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2014.05.007
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Response of potato to full and deficit irrigation under semiarid climate: Agronomic and economic implications

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Cited by 44 publications
(48 citation statements)
References 34 publications
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“…This outcome supports the findings of Doorenbos and Kassam (1979) who reported that tuber initiation is the stage most sensitive to water stress, while tuber bulking is the least sensitive. In contrast, Fabeiro et al (2001) and Karam et al (2014) found tuber bulking to be the stage most sensitive to water stress. The recent study of Pavlista (2015) revealed the poorest potato plant growth and the lowest tuber yield were obtained when the amount of water decreased by half from tuber initiation through to early tuber bulking stage (early log phase of tuber growth), from 2 to 8 weeks after tuber emergence.…”
Section: Interaction Effect Of Irrigation Treatment and Ha Applicationmentioning
confidence: 68%
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“…This outcome supports the findings of Doorenbos and Kassam (1979) who reported that tuber initiation is the stage most sensitive to water stress, while tuber bulking is the least sensitive. In contrast, Fabeiro et al (2001) and Karam et al (2014) found tuber bulking to be the stage most sensitive to water stress. The recent study of Pavlista (2015) revealed the poorest potato plant growth and the lowest tuber yield were obtained when the amount of water decreased by half from tuber initiation through to early tuber bulking stage (early log phase of tuber growth), from 2 to 8 weeks after tuber emergence.…”
Section: Interaction Effect Of Irrigation Treatment and Ha Applicationmentioning
confidence: 68%
“…Kahlon and Khera (2015) demonstrated that water stress during tuber initiation can considerably reduce tuber yield. However, Fabeiro et al (2001) and Karam et al (2014) reported that the greatest reductions in tuber yield occurred when plants were exposed to water stress at the end of the season or during tuber bulking. Assessment among water regime treatments showed that, water stress at tuber bulking stage (WR5) increased tuber weights in the biggest size grade (G3) and yielded more tubers compared with other water regime treatments (Table 2).…”
Section: Tuber Yield and Yield Componentsmentioning
confidence: 94%
“…Crop evapotranspiration (ET) was calculated by the following water balance equation (Karam et al 2014).…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…This highlights both tuber initiation and tuber bulking as the most sensitive stages to water deficit (Shock et al, 1998;Hassan et al, 2002;Paredes et al, 2018). However, only a few studies have been conducted under semi-arid conditions (Fabeiro et al, 2001;Karam et al, 2014) and they have shown that water deficit from onset of leaf senescence to harvest caused a large reduction in yield (between 11 and 12%), contrasting with some studies previously cited (Shock et al, 1998;Hassan et al, 2002). This could be partly explained due to the variable tolerance to drought of the varieties used in those experiments, as pointed out by Vos and Haverkort (2007).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 94%