Recommendations for planting pines usually include providing a competitionfree site to assure establishment and good early growth. When combining pines and pasture in agroforestry systems, the possibility of planting pines directly into a pasture sod without site treatment would be economically desirable. In south Georgia, USA, slash pine (Pinus elliottii) was planted into a pasture sod and on well-disked sites; both with and without annual fertilization. Partial weed control was maintained in subsequent years on the cultivated treatments and the pasture sod was mowed periodically.Slash pine establishment and growth rate through 5 years generally was not different among treatments. Survival was 96% initially and 86% after 5 years. The pines grew rapidly with no measurable advantage from cultivation or fertilization.This alternative to providing a competition-free environment needs to be tested under differing climates, soils, tree species, and pasture species. It could be a suitable technique in various situations and of special interest to small, nonindustrial landowners.