This thesis is dedicated to "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to acknowledge a few people and organizations that made this work possible. First, to my thesis committee, thank you for your guidance and insights. I truly feel that I am equipped to be a scientist because of the skills you have taught me. Thank you to everyone at SeaWorld San Diego and Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute, including the research assistants, who made it possible for this data to be collected and analyzed. I also owe an immense amount to my fellow graduate students in the program for their friendship and support. To my parents: your moral (and, of course, financial) backing were crucial in helping me to accomplish this goal. Not only did you support me through this process, but you have encouraged me for as long as I can remember to find my passion and follow it. That sense of potential and limitlessness is one of the qualities that most deeply defines me as a person, and I will always be indebted to you for that. To Brittany Yakobson, one of my favorite people (and my favorite roommate), thank you for letting me work on my thesis from home in my pajamas more days than I am proud to admit. More importantly, thank you for being a wonderful friend, a shoulder, and an unconditional supporter. To Joy Shapiro: though you fall into the "fellow graduate students" category, you are extra-special to me. You have seen me through so many things and you have a very important place in my heart. Thank you for being one of the most genuine, generous people I have ever met. Finally, to David Vejar, no words can capture how grateful I am for you. I know you don't always believe it when I tell you that I could not have done this without vi you, but it's very true, as is the case with so many things I've done since I have known you. You talked me off the ledge when I felt like giving up, but you also gave me the swift kick in the ass that I needed when I just got lazy. You have always encouraged me to follow my dreams even when it was not convenient for you, and that means the world to me. Thank you.