tract. The present study describes the effects of 14 s exposure to acidified (pH 4.0) soft water in the ab-:e of alum inium , on the ultrastructure of the skin in bow trout {O ncorhynclius m ykiss). Com pared to confish. there was a moderate increase in the incidence îecrosis in the filament cells of the fish exposed to pH but since the integrity of the tissue appeared to be ntained, most of the ultrastuctural changes observed C ' y be considered to be adaptive. There was an increase pidermal thickness, a higher frequency of electronse vesicles in filament cells, an increase in the unduon of the basal lamina, and the penetration of the epiinis by cytoplasm atic processes of m elanocytes in 1-exposed specimens. An infiltration of leucocytes in itie epidermis, and the appearance of serous m ucous Is, was also evident. W hether these events were under control of prolactin and/or a-M S H , was also in v e st ed, but no indication for activation or inhibition of 1er prolactin or tf-M SH producing cells was obtained, ce a previous study (Balm and Pöttinger 1993) had nonstrated that plasma cortisol levels were also idenil in control and low pH treated trout throughout a 14 experimental period, it is concluded that under conions of environmental acidification, the integument onom ically maintains the adjustm ents necessary for cessful acclim ation, presum ably via paracrine regulay circuits.