Dopamine-j8-hydroxylase (EC, an enzyme localized in sympathetic synaptic vesicles, was released together with norepinephrine during in vitro stimulation of the hypogastric nerve that innervates the vas deferens of the guinea pig. Stimulation of the nerve in the presence of high concentrations of calcium (7.5 mM) or phenoxybenzamine caused a marked increase in the amounts of the enzyme and norepinephrine released into the bath. The augmentation of release of dopamine-,0-hydroxylase by 7.5 mM calcium or phenoxybenzamine was reversed by prostaglandin E2. These findings suggest that the release of the sympathetic neurotransmitter, norepinephrine, occurs by a process of exocytosis in which the vesicular content of soluble dopamine-j6-hydroxylase is also released. The depolarization-induced exocytosis, which is stimulated by calcium, may be affected by prostaglandin E2 or phenoxybenzamine through inhibition or enhancement of the actions of calcium in the release process.Release of epinephrine from the adrenal medulla in response to splanchnic-nerve stimulation or to acetylcholine is accompanied by release of ATP (1), soluble proteinst (2), and dopamine-,B-hydroxylase (DOHase) that are stored in the vesicles of adrenergic neurons (3). These findings, together with electron microscopic evidence (4), have suggested that the secretion of the adrenal medulla occurs by a process of exocytosis in which the storage vesicles open at the cell membrane and release their contents into the extracellular space. DOHase, the enzyme that converts dopamine to norepinephrine, is highly localized in synaptic vesicles (5) and is released simultaneously with norepinephrine into the perfusate of isolated organs during electrical stimulation of sympathetic nerves4 (6)(7). This has been taken as evidence that sympathetic neurosecretion might occur by a similar process of exocytosis.By the use of a sensitive assay for measuring DOHase activity (8, 9), we have investigated the in vitro release of the enzyme during stimulation of the hypogastric nerve to the vas deferens of the guinea pig. The effects of calcium, which is required for both release of epinephrine from the adrenal gland (10) and norepinephrine from sympathetic nerves (11, 12), and phenoxybenzamine, an a-blocking adrenergic Abbreviations: DOHase, dopamine-j3-hydroxylase; PG, prostaglandins.t Banks, P., and K. Helle, Biochem. J., 97, 40c (1965 (17) or phenoxybenzamine (18), its effect on release of DOHase was also examined.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Preparation of organsMale albino guinea pigs, weighing 500-800 g, were killed by a blow on the head and exsanguinated. The vasa deferentia with attached hypogastric nerves were excised and put into 10-ml organ baths (19) at 37°C, containing medium of the following composition per liter. NaCl, 8.06 g; KCl, 0.35 g; CaCl2 -2H20, 0.3 g; MgSO4 -7H20, 294 mg; KH2P04, 162 mg; glucose, 2.07 g, adjusted to pH 7.4 and aerated with 5% CO2 in 95% 02. The bath fluid was changed 4 times and then replaced by fresh medium containing 0.25...