Phosphorus (P) dynamics in large shallow lakes are greatly influenced by physical processes such as wind-driven sediment resuspension, at times scales from hours to years. Results from long-term (30 year) research on Lake Okeechobee, Florida (area 1,730 km 2 , mean depth 2.7 m) illustrate key features of these P dynamics. Variations in wind velocity result in changes in water column transparency, suspended solids, and total P (TP). In summer there are diurnal changes in TP associated with afternoon winds, and in winter, when strong winds occur for multiple days, monthly average TP remains high compared to summer. The magnitude of daily and seasonal TP changes can exceed 100 lg l -1 . Hurricanes and tropical storms also cause extreme changes in TP that are superimposed on seasonal dynamics. When a hurricane passed 80 km south of the lake in October 1999, mean pelagic TP increased from 88 to 222 lg l -1 . During large resuspension events, light attenuation is substantially increased, and this influences the biomass and spatial extent of submerged plants, as well as water column TP. In Lake Okeechobee, TP concentrations typically are~20 lg l -1 when submerged plants are dense, and soluble reactive P concentrations are reduced below detection, perhaps by the periphyton and plant uptake and by precipitation with calcium at high pH. In contrast, TP exceeds 50 lg l -1 when submerged plants and periphyton are absent due to prolonged deep water, and phytoplankton biomass and algal bloom frequency both are increased. In Lake Okeechobee and other large shallow lakes, complex models that explicitly consider wind-wave energy, hydrodynamics, and sediment resuspension, transport, and key biological processes are needed to accurately predict how lake water TP will respond to different management options.