Disturbed areas in the Pinedale Anticline natural gas field of southwestern Wyoming are being restored using native plant species that are beneficial in critical sage grouse and ungulate habitat. A new seed mixture was developed to re-establish native plant species in reclaimed areas, replacing the grass-dominated seed mixes that have been utilized in the past, and returning these areas to productive habitat in a more timely manner. Testing and monitoring of various seeding methods, soil amendment use, topsoil stockpile management and temporary stock fencing has been ongoing since the fall of 2004. Observations to date indicate successful re-establishment of sagebrush as well as various grasses and forbs that should provide habitat for sage grouse and ungulate populations in the vicinity of the current natural gas field development. Several seeding methods have proven successful in the application of the native seed mixture, promoting germination of young plants during the next growing season. It is unclear at this time if the use of soil amendments and biostimulants has provided more success in native plant establishment than if these materials were not used. Temporary fencing of reclaimed sites during the first several growing seasons has provided protection of seedlings from stock grazing pressures, although wildlife continue to utilize the reclaimed areas for forage and habitat.