“…While some methods depend on edge features, texture descriptors, and shape contexts (de Campos et al, ), others use probabilistic models (Weinman, Learned‐Miller, & Hanson, ) (Weinman, Learned‐Miller, & Hanson, ) (Fan & Fan, ). Many algorithms learn features from unlabelled data (Hinton, Osindero, & Teh, ) (Assis, Pereira, Carrano, Ramos, & Dias, ) (Ranzato, Krizhevsky, & Hinton, ) (Raina, Battle, Lee, Packer, & Ng, ) that specifically lead them to recognize characters in the images studied in the context of scanned documents and books (Nagy, ) (Mori, Suen, & Yamamoto, ). Others recognize currency serial num‐ bers (Qian, Qian, & Zhang, ).…”