The unique ability of the liver to regenerate after partial Our previous studies have shown a different pattern of removal or injury has been of interest to investigators for immediate early gene and growth factor gene expression many years. Although considerable advances have been made between compensatory liver regeneration occurring in understanding the molecular mechanisms that control after cell loss/death and direct hyperplasia induced by liver cell growth, the exact nature of the stimuli involved in primary mitogens. In the present study, modifications the initiation and progression of the cell cycle has remained in the activation of two transcription factors, NF-kB and elusive. Activation of preexisting latent transcription factors AP-1; steady-state levels of tumor necrosis factor a (TNFrecently has been claimed to play a major role in making a) messenger RNA (mRNA); and induction of the inducthe hepatocytes competent to proliferate (priming effect), 1 ible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) were examined in rat presumably via induction of the hepatic expression of several liver during different types of cell proliferation. Compensatory regeneration was induced in male Wistar rats immediate early genes considered to be related to cell cycle.2 by partial hepatectomy of two thirds (PH) or a necro-One such transcription factor is NF-kB. NF-kB refers to memgenic dose of CCl 4 (2 mL/kg), whereas direct hyperpla-bers of a Rel family of transcription factors that were identisia was induced by a single administration of the pri-fied for their ability to bind and transactivate the enhancer mary mitogens lead nitrate (LN, 100 mmol/kg), of immunoglobulin k gene in B cells. More recently, a role cyproterone acetate (CPA, 60 mg/kg), or nafenopin for NF-kB in liver regeneration was suggested based on the (NAF, 200 mg/kg). Liver regeneration after treatment finding of a strong induction of DNA binding by NF-kB (p65/ with CCl 4 was associated with an increase in steady-p50 heterodimer), p50/p50 homodimers, and posthepatecstate levels of TNF-a mRNA, activation of NF-kB and tomy factor within 30 minutes after partial hepatectomy of AP-1, and induction of iNOS. A strong and prolonged two thirds (PH).3,4 One of the most powerful inducers of NFactivation of NF-kB but not of AP-1 was observed in LN-kB is tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a).5 This cytokine, which induced hyperplasia. LN also induced an increase in he-is involved in several pathophysiological processes, has been patic levels of TNF-a and iNOS mRNA. On the other suggested to play a major role in liver cell proliferation based hand, direct hyperplasia induced by two other primary on the following: 1) pretreatment with anti-TNF-a antibodmitogens, NAF and CPA, occurred in the complete ab-ies inhibits liver regeneration after PH 6 ; 2) a rapid increase sence of modifications in the hepatic levels of TNF-a in TNF-a messenger RNA (mRNA) is observed during liver mRNA, activation of NF-kB and AP-1, or induction of cell proliferation induced by some primary mitogens 7,8 ; and iN...