In many architectures for fault tolerant quantum computing universality is achieved by a combination of Clifford group unitary operators and preparation of suitable nonstabilizer states, the so-called magic states. Universality is possible even for some fairly noisy nonstabilizer states, as distillation can convert many noisy copies into fewer purer magic states. Here we propose novel protocols that exploit multiple species of magic states in surprising ways. These protocols provide examples of previously unobserved phenomena that are analogous to catalysis and activation well known in entanglement theory.PACS numbers: 03.67.Pp Quantum computers are capable of executing algorithms whilst tolerating modest rates of faults or errors. Stabilizer codes encode information in subspaces of larger Hilbert spaces and allow a proportion of errors to be actively detected and corrected [1]. Whereas some anyonic systems with topologically protected ground states provide a passive method of safely storing quantum information [2]. Research into anyonic systems has been stimulated by the recent discovery of alloys that are topological insulators [3,4], opening up a variety of readily available systems that may be suitable for anyonic quantum computing.However, fault tolerant quantum computing is not just about archiving quantum information, but also processing the information whilst stored in its protected form. However, by employing stabilizer codes and topological systems we restrict how the quantum information may be fault-tolerantly manipulated. Stabilizer codes only allow coherent implementation of a limited group of fault tolerant gates, the so-called transversal gates. Unfortunately, recent research has shown that no stabilizer code can both protect against generic errors and offer a universal set of transversal gates [5]. Similarly, topologically protected groups of gates, implemented by braiding anyons, are not universal for many species of anyons [6][7][8]. Theoretically, some exotic anyons do offer universal topologically protected gates, but these are more physically speculative [9]. Consequently, an alternative route to universal and fault tolerant quantum computing must be sought out.This obstacle is overcome by gate injection techniques. A suitable resource state is identified, and through fault tolerant gates and measurements, this resource is consumed in exchange for a new fault-tolerant unitary operator that promotes the group of gates to full universality. For both stabilizer codes and anyonic systems, the manifestly fault tolerant gates are often contained within the Clifford group, the group of unitary operators that conjugate the Pauli operators. What resource states might promote the Clifford group to universality? Since the Clifford group maps stabilizer states -eigenstates of Pauli operators -to other stabilizer states, and such evolutions are efficiently classically simulable [10], we know that stabilizer states fail to provide universality. However, numer- * Electronic address: