The problem of modern medicine and modern society is a comorbid patient with metabolic disorders. Hypothetical portrait of such a patient: over 40 years old, overweight, arterial hypertension, coronary atherosclerosis, impaired carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, liver steatosis or steato-hepatitis, often with changes in the function of the musculoskeletal system. Rational pharmacotherapy of this patient is of fundamental importance. The article analyzes, from the point of view of polypotency, efficacy and safety, the main drugs used in Russia for treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in comorbid patients. Attention is paid to vitamin E, glycyrrhizin, ursodeoxycholic acid. Domestic and foreign studies of these drugs are analyzed, and the scope of their rational use is shown: reducing the risk of cardiovascular complications, a positive effect on the lipid spectrum, reducing the activity of serum transaminases and other hepatotropic effects. Their side effects are also considered, which should be taken into account when choosing the treatment of a comorbid patient. We have analyzed the efficacy and safety of new molecules that are in clinical trials and/or have not yet been registered in our country, e.g. obeticholic acid, cenicriviroc, tropifexor, etc. The ability of some molecules to act as biological enhancers is also highlighted, which is important to consider when prescribing combination therapy. Doctors are recommended to carefully consider and take into account all the features of a comorbid patient and choose for this category of patients safe drugs of hepatotropic action with simultaneous positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Among other things, it will avoid polypragmasy.