High wire number, 25-mm diameter tungsten wire arrays have been imploded on the 8-MA Saturn generator, operating i n a long-pulse mode. By varying the mass load from 710 to 6140 ug/cm, implosion times of 130 to 250 ns have been obtained with implosion velocities of 50 to 25 c d p s , respectively. z-pinch implosions produced plasmas with millimeter diameters that radiated 600 to 800 kJ of x-rays, with powers of 20 to 49 TW; the c&esponding pulsewidths were 19 to 7.5 ns, with risetimes ranging from 6.5 to 4.0 ns. These powers and pulsewidths are similar to those achieved with 50 ns implosion ti mes on S at u r n . Two -d i men s io n a1 , rad i a t i o nmagnetohydrodynamic calculations indicate that the imploding shells in these long implosion time experiments are comparable in width to those in the short pulse cases. This can only be due to lower initial perturbations. A heuristic wire array model suggests that the reduced perturbations, in the long pulse cases, may be due to the individual wire merger occurring well before the acceleration of the shell.The experiments and modeling susgest that 150 to 200 ns implosion time z-pinches could be employed for high-power, x-ray source applications.