“…A, hypoplastic ascending aorta involved in DKS; B, main pulmonary artery (neoaorta); C, RV-PA conduit (Contegra); D, VSD Gortex patch; E, stitch closure of subaortic area; F, aortic arch reconstruction by equine pericardium. DKS, Damus-Kaye-Stansel; PA, pulmonary artery; RV, right ventricle; VSD, ventricular septal defect or Taussig-Bing anomaly, the surgical outcome depends largely on the uneventful coronary arteries transfer to the neoaorta 4,5. Kumar et al6 reported the DKS-Rastelli operation to tackle a complex TGA variant with double-outlet right ventricle, subpulmonic VSD, side-by-side great vessels, and abnormal anatomy of coronary artery involving a common origin of the right coronary artery and the left anterior descending artery.…”