Oxidative Stress and Diseases 544 reactive species: reactive oxygen species (ROS, thus, oxygen-containing molecules that are highly reactive), reactive chlorine species (RCN) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS). All these reactants contain free radicals as well as nonradicals. Low concentrations of these reactive species are necessary for normal cell redox status, cell function and intracellular signalling (Droge, 2002;Valko et al., 2007;Perez-Matute et al., 2009). However, in some disease states, free radicals are produced in excess and can damage DNA, proteins, carbohydrates and lipid constituents and compromise cell function leading to the development of type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, obesity, arthritis etc. Thus, it is clear that excessive production of free radicals causes damage to biological material and is an essential event in the aetiopathogenesis of various diseases. However, the question that has risen in the past years is whether uncontrolled formation of ROS is a primary cause or a downstream consequence of the pathological processes. In other words, it is still not clear what comes first, the chicken or the egg. However, what is clear is that there must be a balance between these reactive species and the antioxidants, whose main function is to counteract the deleterious effects of these reactive species. In fact, antioxidant is defined as any substance that when present at low concentrations compared with those of an oxidizable substrate, significantly delays or prevents oxidation of that substrate (Halliwell & Gutteridge, 1999). These defences include both enzymatic (superoxide dismutases, glutathione peroxidase, catalase, thioredoxin) and non-enzimatic systems (vitamins such as vitamin C, E, A, minerals such as selenium, zinc, cooper, bilirrubine, uric acid, some aminoacids etc).Several studies have demonstrated an increased oxidative state (either caused by an increased ROS production or diminished levels of antioxidants) in serious pathologies such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, cancer etc. Thus, oxidative stress actually may be related with the mentioned processes. In this context, it is tempting to suggest that if oxidative damage significantly contributes to disease pathology, then, actions that decrease it (via decreasing ROS production or increasing endogenous levels of antioxidants) might be therapeutically beneficial. In fact, attenuation or complete suppression of oxidative stress as a way to improve several diseases has flourished as one of the main challenges of research in the last years. Thus, several approaches have been carried out in order to either decrease the high levels of ROS generated or boost the endogenous levels of antioxiants. Inhibition of ROS production through the development of inhibitors (natural or chemical) against the main sources of ROS generation offers an interesting approach. Thus, NADPH oxidase and mitochondria have been postulated as the main targets to reduce ROS production (reviewed by Pérez-Matute et al., 2009). Another str...