The logarithm of capacity factor Inkip. in reversed-phase ionpair liquid chromatography (RP-IPC) llnearly deceases with methanol concentration (Cb), and the logarithm of capacity factor lnkic in ion-chromatography (IC) linearly decreases with the logarithm of salt concentration (lnCs) . The intercept (Inkyp, A) and slope (tip, B) values of a linear relationship between lnkip vs. Cb in RP-IPC and lnkj, vs. lnC, in IC were obtained. The logarithm of capacity factor in RP-HPLC and the logarithm of capacity factor in IC, the solute charges and the parameter B in IC have been selected as the descriptors of solute molecular and electrostatic interaction respectively. It has been observed that the logarithm of capacity factors, the parameters lnkip and c in RP-IPC can be well correlated with the logarithm of capacity factors in RP-HPLC and the logarithm of capacity factors in IC, the solute charges and the parameter B. Both the lnkkp in RP-HPLC and the lnkic in Ic, the solute charges and the parameter B made a positive contribution to the retention and the parameter Ink in RP-PC, but made a negative contribution to the parameter c in RP-IPC. It can be concluded that both the molecular and the electrostatic interaction play major role in retention of the ionic solutes in RP-IPC. iP iP iP 1069