Co-simulation techniques have evolved significantly over the last 10 years. System simulation and hardware-in-the-loop testing are used to develop innovative products in many industrial sectors. Despite the success of these simulation techniques, their efficient application requires a systematic approach. In practice the integration and coupling of heterogeneous systems still require enormous efforts. At this point in time no unified process for integration and simulation of DCP-based co-simulation scenarios is available. In this article we present ProMECoS, a process model for efficient, standard-driven distributed co-simulation. It defines the necessary tasks required to prepare, instantiate and execute distributed co-simulations according to the DCP standard. Furthermore, it enables the exploitation of front-loading benefits, thus reducing the overall system development effort. ProMECoS is based on the IEEE 1730 standard for Distributed Simulation Engineering and Execution Process. It adopts the artefacts of the DCP specification, and defines additional process artefacts. The DCP specification and its associated default integration methodology were developed by a balanced consortium in context of the ITEA 3 project ACOSAR. The DCP is compatible to the well-adopted FMI standard. Therefore both standards can be used together for seamless development using models, software, and real components. ProMECoS provides the necessary guidance for efficient product development and testing.