“…There are 13 known syndromal CRD types besides SMD-CRD. These can be metabolic disorders (thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia; mitochondriopathy caused by mutation T8993G [Porto et al, 2001]; infantile Refsum disease), ciliopathies (Alstrom and Bardet-Biedl syndromes), collagenopathy (Alport disease), polyglutamin toxicity disorder (spinocerebellar ataxia type 7), neurofibromatosis type 1 [Kylstra and Aylsworth, 1993], hypotrichosis with juvenile macular dystrophy caused by mutations in P-cadherin [Wagner, 1935] and disorders with unknown etiology such as CRD and amelogenesis imperfecta [Jalili and Smith, 1988], CRD and Pierre Marie ataxia [Bjork et al, 1956], CRD and trichomegaly [Jalili, 1989] and CRD with cleft lip [Ausems et al, 1996].…”